"Your thoughts are drawing to you that which you concentrate upon. The dominate thought will overwhelm lesser thoughts to manifest a corresponding reality in the key areas of your life - your health, relationships, career and your financial and spiritual well-being.
It is important to know what you want in all these areas. If you don't, you will attract confusion and all the undesirable effects that come along with it.
"Set your own tone and the Universe will respond to your tone"- Abraham/Hicks
Most people attract events in their life by default because they are not choosing that which they want. In the last issue you began the process of consciously interrupting your thought patterns. Now that you realize you are no longer a victim of your thoughts, it is time to take a more proactive approach. The first step in this process will be to look for things or feelings you want to include in your life.
Written Exercise
Imagine that you have just won $100,000. Write down all the things you would do with this new money. Write down with each item how it would make you feel.
Thought Exercise
Throughout the week, look for examples of things/ideas/feelings that you want to include in your life.
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