Tuesday, May 1, 2007

#4 - Correlation Between Thinking and Feeling

"Simply put, you believe that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy because of the thoughts that you have about the people or things in your life. Becoming a free and healthy person involves learning to think differently. Once you can change your thoughts, your new feelings will begin to emerge, and you will have taken the first step on the road to your Personal Freedom."
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer "Your Erroneous Zones"

In the previous two issues, we asked you first to pay attention to your thoughts. Then we asked you to observe your feelings. In this issue we want to tie the two together. You cannot have a thought without a corresponding feeling. So, if the balance of your present thoughts are negative in nature, then your predominate feelings will also be negative in nature. There are only two basic emotions generated by thoughts, those that feel good and those that don't. By being aware of your feelings, you can catch yourself in thought patterns that do not serve you and take the necessary steps to consciously choose something that does serve you but this new thought should be in direct relation to the thought you want to change. It is much easier to change a thought than a feeling.

Written Exercise
In Issue#1 we asked you to pick 3 areas of your life you would like to change. Write down 1 sentence that is in alignment with wanting to feel good about each of these 3 areas.
Thought Exercise
For the week, we again want you to pay close attention to how you FEEL. When you catch yourself feeling negative or down in any of the 3 areas, pay attention to the thought that caused it. Then immediately substitute the thought with the following words

"Nothing is more important than I feel good."
Then immediately say the sentence from the written exercise that is applicable to this area. Then build on this sentence by thinking more thoughts that are in alignment with it. By doing this you can change the balance of your thinking and the corresponding emotions.

From Issue#1: The area I would like to improve is my bodyweight. Your Present Thoughts: "I am unattractive; I can't fit in my clothes; No one will like me because of my weight; I feel guilty when I eat." Your Feel Good Sentence from the Written Exercise: "I am more than my bodyweight."
How it to apply it:
During the week, you look in the mirror and get depressed. You immediately stop.Then think "Nothing is more important that I feel good"."I am more than my bodyweight.""I am in control of my body." "I have the ability to achieve and maintain the ideal bodyweight"...etc

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