Tuesday, May 1, 2007

#1 - Change

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Welcome to the first issue of Health Secrets "Practical Spirituality" newsletter. Our desire for this newsletter is to inspire thought and change through quotes and exercises but with a little internet twist. We also give you the option to email us back your exercise response. This will of course remain private, but will give you the added incentive of knowing that someone is following your progress. This is also beneficial for us since we can adapt the next newsletter dependent upon your response. So let's begin.

So many people are unhappy with the way things presently are. But rather than change themselves, they attempt to change the externals such as their partners, jobs or children's behaviour. So what should they do and what's wrong with changing these externals if they don't seem to fit?

In order to attract new positive change, it is necessary that we ourselves reflect that change. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have everything go their way? Is it because they are luckier than us? No, it is because they are better creators than us. They know what they want, and through their strong desires, the universe provides. It is their positive vibrations and sense of knowing that the universe always gives them what they want, is why they get what they want.

So if you are not focussing on what you want, you will get what you don't want. Which is why if you don't want to end up with the same job or relationship, change your thoughts!

Written Exercise
Identify 3 things in your life that you are not satisfied with presently and exactly what it is that makes you unsatisfied.
Now, how would like to see them? Re-write these 3 things in the way you would like them to be.
Thought Exercise
For the week, pay close attention to these 3 challenges. Each time you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts about any of the 3 things, immediately think of what you would like instead or something you do like about it.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Tunde I have been searching for you.

Del : delmendes@rogers.com